Category: Coding

  • PervMap 2.0

    GoogleMaps hacking to show registed sex offenders.

  • If a blog falls in the woods and nobody backlinks it, does it make a sound?

    I’ve always said (to myself, anyway) that it didn’t matter if anyone read my blog or even visited my site. So, why was I so happy when a couple of folks posted comments to some old entries?! Of course, they were people who know me personally, so knew where to find my site, but hey,…

  • Offending Geocodes

    Through an odd chain of events, I offered to create a map of home addresses of registered sex offenders in the Augusta area. Here is a 1st look: Since I didn’t want to spend hours on end looking at, or reading about these animals, I went searching for method to take the addresses parsed from…

  • onTheCase

    After getting into a discussion about coding styles and conventions, I figured I better get some clearer definitions for mixed case names in code: studly caps – an arbitrary capitalization of letters. sTudLyCapS camel case – run together words with the first letter of each of the word capitalized. CamelCase lower camel case – like…

  • MovableType no longer “free enough”

    I’m in the process of moving my blog to WordPress from MovableType. While I wish the authors of MT the best of luck with their new pricing model, I have to agree with Mark Pilgrim and his reasons for switching to WordPress. I still need to tweek the fonts and such to match my site…

  • CPU cycle recycling

    One of the side effects of being a computer geek seems to be the proliferation of junker computers on the home network. Currently we have 4 machines running pretty much full time and another 3 that get used off and on. While these machines are on all/most of the time, it doesn’t mean they are…